Tthis menu highlights the student particulars at one click .
Homeowkr is part of growing up in school and as children tend to miss out on the content, we provide this menu where the school can keep their updates on the homeowrk given by each by each subject teacher every other day.
it is mandatory now days the children cayy less books. This menu helps you to give the parents the latest update on the students timetable so the the children carry only the books required for the day.
Every day becomes an important day in the clanedaer of the school. So if you have nay important news to share with the parents we help you utilize this menu which help you update any news about the school with just a click.
Every Movement of the child is caputres as a photograph and stores in the memory of both the school and parent in this wonderful menu called the gallery. this menus gives the direct update on the happenings in the school to the parents and the outside world.